Prequently asked questions

Where do you Ship to ?

We Ship to the following Countries :- Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, United Stat, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway & Sweden.

What is the Price of Shipment ?

We provide FREE Shipment by order over 50 Euro to All Countries listed above .

How do I use Coupon or Discount ?

After you Start order process, before you pay you get Box to fill with Coupon Code. But if there is Discount you get Automatic Discount.

Can I cancel my order after payment status is confirmed ?

With in 1-2 Days we can Cancel your Order, but you have to E-mail us requesting for order Cancellation. To E-mail us Click here .

 When can I receive my refund ?

After you receive refund confirmation E-mail from Natna Shop, the refund will be send to the Credit Card you paid with, in 3-15 Days.

What do I do, product description does not match ?

Contact us first to confirm that the product description does not match. Please include image of product for refund verification process & you will get E-mail with details.

 How can I return product ?

To return product,first you should contact us, then if you have to return, you will receive details including address where to return. “Not that” return Shipment are going to be paid by you.

How do I know my size ? 

Please refer to size charts below each individual products carefully- size chart 1

What happen if I order wrong size or color ?

After you order the wrong size/ color you can change with in 1-2 Days if it is still not shipped. But if you got wrong size or color delivered you can contact us for available options.

Why I can’t track my order ?

Tracking to function takes 5-10 Days.

Why I receive two tracking codes ?

If you receive two tracking codes, that means there are two Shipping companies involved.

How long is the Shipping time ?

Shipping takes from 7-14 Days

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